Hardwired Coin Pouch Keychain

NT$ 12.15

為呼應最新的『 有機光譜 』系列,推出了四款獨具風格的零錢包,採用了繽紛的夏日配色,為日常生活增添一絲亮彩。每款硬幣包除了功能性之外,亦可作為時尚配飾,裝飾於褲腰間,展現與眾不同的品牌風格。色彩鮮豔的配件不僅實用,也能成為您造型的亮點。

● 透明款:清爽且百搭,適合所有風格。

● 藍色款:沉穩與個性兼具,適合低調但又不失亮眼的搭配。

● 綠色款:充滿生機的自然色彩,適合勇於嘗試新事物的您。

● 橘色款:熱情洋溢,為您的造型注入活力與趣味。

無論是日常使用還是裝飾,這款零錢包都是您的最佳選擇。 HARDWIRED始終秉持質感與實用兼具的設計理念,讓每一位使用者都能感受到品牌的與眾不同。
To complement the latest 『 Organic Spectrum 』 series, we present four stylish coin pouches in vibrant summer colors, adding a splash of brightness to your everyday life. Each pouch is not only functional but also a unique fashion accessory that can be attached to your belt, offering a distinctive touch to your outfit. These colorful accessories are practical yet stand out as a fashion statement.

● Clear: Clear and versatile, perfect for any style.

● Blue: A blend of calmness and individuality, ideal for those seeking a subtle yet eye-catching look.

● Green: Full of life, this nature-inspired hue suits those who embrace new experiences.

● Orange: Bold and energetic, bringing a lively vibe to your ensemble.

Whether for daily use or as a decoration, these coin pouches are your perfect companion. HARDWIRED continues to uphold its design philosophy of combining quality and functionality, ensuring that every user experiences the brand's unique character.

Size:8 cm * 5 cm
Color:Orange / Green / Blue / Clear